Monday, July 10, 2006

Just did some of my regular browsing on I love that site, and have ever since it first started up. But it never ceases to amaze me the level of Anti-religious, Anti-conservative spin that EVERYTHING gets on there. I realize alot of geeks are liberal atheists. I guess my problem is that the vocal majority of them verbally assault persons of faith. They truly believe we all suffer from some sort of mass halucination, that we believe in a fairy tale. And you know what? That is fine. But dont be insulting about it. Its not your business to denegrate me because I dont wish to cast away my faith or belief in God for the sake of Science and Technology.

I actually read a post where somone was belittleing someone that said "smart people are athiests and liberal, so it must be right" or something to that effect.

Dude, I am not a Mensa member, but I rank up there with the techno-elite and I have a FIRM belief in God.

To see some of the ridiculous religion bashing, click here


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