Cubs, Cards...Cubs, Cards...Living in central Illinois it was always one or the other. My hometown is right on the dividing line between what seems to be two warring factions. No mans land. A modern day trench warfare fought on the baseball diamond. The Cubs had always been my team of choice, but since moving closer to Saint Louis, and working in the West County area, I have been exposed to the Cardinals much more. My favorite radio station here is the Cardinals home station. The exposure is having its effect.
The Cards are in the NLCS Championship again this year, after a very strange year. Towards the end of the season they were something like 8 games ahead, then had a losing streak that almost ended their chances. But they squeaked in, and are playing some decent baseball in the post-season.
The Cubbies...well...very disapointing season. Dusty Baker, the head coach, is gone. Half the roster I didnt even recognise this season.
I wish the Cubs well, and will root for them when able, but the Cardinals have expanded their appeal to me. Hopefully they can go all the way!
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