Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I sent off an email the other night to the author of the newest book series I am reading, Barry Eisler and he actually wrote back. Very cool:

Out of the country -- Spain, Italy, then back to the States on Wed. Get some sleep!


-- Barry


On Jul 10, 2006, at 7:38 AM, Timothy Grossner wrote:

> LOL, either you are out of the country or you have just as much trouble sleeping as me!
> __________
> Tim at grossner.net
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Barry Eisler
> To: Tim Grossner
> Cc:
> Date: Monday, July 10 2006 03:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Tour
> Hi Tim -- thanks for your email, and I'm glad you've been enjoying Rain Fall. I won't be back in St. Louis this year, but should be next summer when I'm on the road promoting #6. I'll keep you posted, and hope we'll get a chance to meet then.
> All the best,
> Barry
> http://www.barryeisler.com
> On Jul 9, 2006, at 11:57 PM, Tim Grossner wrote:
>> I just picked up your first book, Rain Fall, after seeing the newest book on the shelf. So far, I am hooked. I even went to your website to see if your tour was coming to the Saint Louis, MO area and it appears I just missed you on the 19th of June. Any chance you will swing back by this way again soon?
>> Tim Grossner


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