Monday, October 16, 2006

I normally dont post comments recieved here on my blog, simply because this blog is more of a personal journal than a group discussion. But today I recieved this comment and I think that it deserves a response (unlike most of them I get :-)

I just bounced here from Digg, and read about your son. I'm very sorry about your loss, and I wish you the best.

I agree with you that some on Digg can be quite mean, and it's a shame they had to do that. However.....looking on your blog here, I see you have much deeper issues than the loss of your son, or the misguided words you received on Digg.

I'm a Vet, that served this nation's "interests" for many years, and I've got some terrible news for you...
You are being duped by this "administration" (and many others).
I am a TRUE conservative (are there any left?) that fully understands what is happening here in America. I see the links to Rush, Hannity, and Fox of yours, and it sickens me to see you think these men/"organizations" are working for YOUR best interest, and America's.

I hope you understand that what I said above is not coming across as mean, or derogatory, but in the realm of trying to show you that perhaps your energy at "blaming the libs" for so much has blinded you and is perhaps taking you down the wrong path, for America. I'm not asking you to vote "dem", I'm simply asking you to take a breath, a step back perhaps, and realize where we stand right now. Look at America. Look at her....This isn't the "librul's" fault.

It's time we stepped up not as a "party", but as AMERICANS.
We are losing America.

A Veteran, an AMERICAN, and someone who cares about the loss of your son.


First off, Thank You for two things. I sincerely appreciate your kind words regarding my loss and secondly for your service to this nation.

I have to take exception to what you see as "deeper issues". I listen to Fox News, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc because they make sense to me.

Bill O'Reilly, for example, has recently put out a new book dealing with the culture war going on in America today, and describes the VERY things I see on Digg. (Before I go too far into this, let me also state for the record I am a Christian. Maybe not the most devote, but I try.) Bill describes the Secular Progressive movement in such a way he may be a Digger himself. Its uncanny if he is not. He sees the massive push in the country to not only have the agreed upon separation of church and state, which was originally intended as "There shall be no State sponsored Religion", but to take the concept of God in general out of every single aspect of this nation. I support his view in this. This is a very real movement that is trying to shape this whole country as a religion-free zone. And I cannot support that.

Rush Limbaugh, one of the most polarizing figures in American media today. I have listened to Rush since High School. I would ask you, successrealm, have you listened much at all? I see, with my own eyes, not Rush's, the danger we are in as a nation dealing with Radical Islam. I have personal friends who are Islamic. (I know to say so is cliche, but its true) I have absolute disdain for segments of ANY religion that preaches hate, intolerance, and death. The very same view I have of radial Islamic fundamentalism is one I would share of the Catholic church during the Inquisition, and this is coming from someone who was born Catholic. I don't believe for a second we are in anything less than the kind of fight we had with Nazism. They would wantonly kill you, me, my daughter, your mother...anyone who they view as an infidel. And as a soldier you should recognize this, as Rush does. And yes, before you say it, Rush puts a large portion of the blame for the current situation on Clinton's shoulders. Even were I not a listener of Mr. Limbaughs, I would know by observation that Clinton did more in his 8 years to screw up this country than any other President to date. President Bush is not perfect. I disagree with our handling of the War on Terror in that I think we have had a virtual leash on since the start. Why, you ask? Because there is a deep feeling in this country that if we actually prosecute this war in the manner by wich we COULD (by tacticts like we used in WWII), we would be seen as conquerors and murderers and racists, and we are scared shitless of it. But there is NO lasting peace without a victory first. There will be NO lasting peace in the mideast until two things happen. 1, we tear down every regime that espouses hate - be it towards Israel, or us, or both. And 2, we lean on the populace to the point of not enabling them to kill each other - Marshal Law. Kill a fellow countryman in a sectarian act of violence, you get locked in a hole or are executed yourself. These people have a GUT LEVEL hatred of one another that needs to be extinguished. But it CAN be extinguished. Look at Japan's conduct during WWII, or Germany's. Why is it not there anymore? Because we stamped it out with a large American combat boot.

I am starting to go long here, so I want to wrap this up. Again, I sencerely appreciate your words and concern, but I don't see myself as having "deeper issues". I see myself as standing for what I belive in, in the manner that is open to me, the Internet.

You are right on one thing: We ARE losing this country, but not because of people like George W. Bush. We are losing it because too many in this great nation are willing to close their eyes to the threat that culminated on September the 11th, 2001. I see my countrymen willing to side with people in our institutions and government who would willingly sell out this nations security for nothing more than a few more votes on election day, or espouse that 9/11 was a plan by the US Government to enable President Bush to stay in power, or to hide some sort of financial scandal, or God knows what else. 3,000 Americans died that day and I, and others like me are NOT willing to sit idlely by and let it happen again.



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