Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Online Gambling - Unsafe??

A big story the last couple of days has been that the Hous of Rep's passed a bill to outlaw online gambling, or in one story I heard it was outlaw credit card payments to online gambling sites. For those who dont know, this issue has been around for as long as I have been involved profesionally with the Internet. I still remember Cencom having some dealings with some off-shore cyber gambling sites. Anyway, the politicos are claiming that "Online gambling is UNSAFE!". Really? It hadnt occured to me that Washington thought gambling was unsafe. You would think they thought the opposite what with all the casinos, off-track betting, lotteries, etc out there. But they ARE concerned! Let me tell you what they are concerned about. They believe they are entitled, yes Entitled, to tax online gambling. For those who didnt know, politicians belive they should be able to tax the very air you breathe, simply because it hovers over the U.S. soil. They have been salivating over this since the conception of online gambling sites back in the day. But of course, every site I have ever checked out has been off-shore. As in, in another country. What this gets back to at its core is that these spoiled children-like law-makers want to squeeze every drop of money from us they can. (and, btw, this is not just a Republican Vs Democrat, or Conservative Vs Liberal issue) And believe me, if they do manage to find a way to tax this, it will be in the course of their larger war on the Internet's freedom, and will be its death knell. (But that is a topic I will expand on soon)


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