Friday, December 01, 2006

I am watching a documentary on the History Channel, called "Tales of the FBI". This episode is called "The Bereau Vs. The Klan", and its something of an eye opener. Not because of the truth about the war on the Klan during the civil rights era, but because of the parallels with the fight on terrorism today.

The retired FBI agents in this documentary are the very ones who infiltrated, battled, and ultimately defeated the Klan. And they will tell you...They broke the law to do so. They harrassed, threatened, extorted, and in one case "murdered" members of the Klan to stop their reign of terror.

Thomas Terrance was a Klan member who was tasked with blowing up a prominent southern Jewish businessmans house. The FBI found out about this plot (via intelligence gathered via methods outside the law), laid in wait for him and ultimately shot him and his partner, a woman member of the Klan who was just as viscious as Terrance was.

I guess what infuriates me is that the very people today who either came out of the civil rights movement, or whose views are ultimately shaped by it, are the very people hampering the Government from protecting its citizens.


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