Monday, August 14, 2006

I havent posted much in the last few days. I have been on the road traveling back to Illinois to see family.

Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Israel have a cease fire going on right now, and while I trust the Israelies to abide it, the chance of the Hezzies doing so is slim to none. What has been rather exasperating is that the Hezzies are proclaiming "Victory" in this ~30 day war. I guess "Victory" is now getting your ass handed to you and having the teacher break up the fight just before you got your jaw dislocated.

The fact is, if the U.S. and the international community had the stomach for it, Lebanon would be under Israeli control within a few more days. But alas, no, we dont want to see too many casualties in WAR anymore.

There really is only one way in which the free world can defeat Islamo-fascism. By defeating them.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Yeah, lets let these guys keep the peace in between Hezbollah and Israel.

12:55 PDT The Syrian foreign minister is ready to fight alongside Hezbollah’s troops: “‘If you wish, I’m ready to be a soldier at the disposal of (Hezbollah chief) Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,’ Walid Mouallem told reporters on arrival in Lebanon in a symbolic gesture.” (MSNBC)

Sign him up! Oh...wait...Symbolic gesture?? Oh, nevermind... He's just being symbolic.

Quoted from Fox News
There are very good reasons why the French would like to take the lead in forming the peacekeeping force that will be needed to help embolden the Lebanese army as it takes over from Hezbollah in the south of Lebanon, creating a demilitarized buffer zone along the Israeli border.

If the French end up being the "power" behind the peacekeeping force that sits between Israel and Hezbollah, you can bet that the incursions and attacks by Hezbollah will continue. France has shown in the past it wont stand up to Islamo-fascists time and again. The U.N. being put in charge of peacekeeping is bad enough. Gee, now lets not only let this be a U.N. debacle in the making, but lets put the French in charge of it. This is like letting the kooks run the asylum.

Another terrific analasys of the photoshopping that Adnan Hajj passed on to Reuters, showing the damage in Lebanon.

Also, although most of its users are WAAAAYYY out on the political left, I am a big fan of, and it looks like my fellow geek diggers are taking a crack at disecting trumped up images too! Way to go guys!

BP announced today the closing of a major pipeline and oil field due to needed repairs, cutting off 400,000 barrels a day from production. This has driven oil prices above $77 a barrel.

Its my feeling that oil has got to start being looked at and approached as a national security asset. The public should be ALL OVER B.P. on this issue, for letting conditions degrade to the point of having to take these drastic measures! If you were a product/service provider and you let your business interest fall into such disrepair that you had to shut down like this you would be out of business and quickly.

Another blog has a great analasys of another Reuters photo that was actually doctored to make it look like more damage/smoke/etc had happened than was real. Click here to read.

Reuters and other news agencies have been totally staging their photo journalism during this clash between Hezbollah and the Israel. To see some of the analasys being done click here. WARNING - Pictures depict dead children.

I hate what has happened to the children depicted here. They didnt deserve what happened to them. But the Lebonese and Hezbollah brought this upon them. Not the Israelis. Israel is acting to stop incursions and kidnappings being staged from souther Lebanon. This is war, and there are casualties in war. If the Lebonese dont want their children to die in shelling from Israel, they shouldn't allow Hezbollah to operate within its borders.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well, I ordered a couple of t-shirts I have been eyeing for a bit now. I will post pics of them once they get here. To check out the selection I chose from, click Here

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wow, Mel Gibson, who I have admired for a long time, has gotten into some trouble. And the thing that strikes me is that among the two things he did, 1> drunk driving, and 2> anti-semitic comments, he is getting more criticism for the COMMENTS! Nobody seems to be all that upset that he was driving drunk. I personaly believe that the comments were hideous, and have changed my perception of him as an actor and as a religious person. But that, to me, comes secondary to getting behind the wheel while drunk enough to let something like those words come out of his mouth.

He is also starting to look more and more like a crazy person, too.